05/26/07 |
These web pages use Unicode font Arial and others. (courtesy of VPS)Why Unicode?
How to use Check to see if all Vietnamese characters below appear correctly. Chữ thường / lowercase: á à ả ã ạ â ấ ầ ẩ ẫ ậ ă ắ
ằ ẳ ẵ ặ Chữ HOA / UPPERCASE: Á À Ả Ã Ạ Â Ấ Ầ Ẩ Ẫ Ậ Ă Ắ
Ằ Ẳ Ẵ Ặ Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser or Netscape NavigatorIf you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser version 5.5 or higher, you should not have any problems with viewing this web page in Unicode. Similarly, if you are using Netscape Navigator version 6 or above, you should not have any problems. If the display is not correct, make sure that the chosen encoding is Western European (ISO). Microsoft Internet Explorer (from pulldown menu) View>Encoding>Western European(ISO) Netscape Navigator (from pulldown menu) View>Character Coding>More>West European>Western(ISO-8859-1) For more information on Vietnamese Unicode and keyboard drivers, you can
try the Vietnamese
Professional Society website.
This site was last updated 05/26/07